Ok, this is rant blog for today….maybe a little educational…..I don’t know, lets see where it goes…Is ignorance really bliss? What does that even mean? Does lack of knowledge result in happiness? Are you more comfortable if you don’t know something? Out of sight, out of mind?
Well, when it comes to food, I want to be well informed…….What’s history of the dish? What makes it different from every where else? What am I eating & how it is made? Is this a quality product and is it fresh?
I would think everyone who is about to put something in their mouth would be the same way…………are you truly happy or comfortable not knowing?
Brings me to my rant about being ignorant………..Should you judge your food before knowing it’s history? Should you compare an original masterpiece to a North American by-product? Is that even fair? How can you compare the two? You can’t. It is like when someone goes to a chain Chinese restaurant and thinks that they are eating Chinese…….YOU ARE NOT…..it is a North American by-product that you have become accustom to…….But what am I talkin about?
Yes…………I’m talking about Pizza……Neapolitan Pizza….the Original Pizza…centuries old and
full of tradition, skill & quality.
Here is our fire….One does not simply turn the gas or hydro on…….It is “Wood Fired”

Here is what a true hand crafted wood fired oven Neapolitan Pizza cooked at 900+ degrees for 90 seconds looks like.

Notice the blisters from the fire and the high temperature…….that is not burnt……it is simply air bubbles getting happy…..flavour……If you order this pizza, know that it is hand crafted, using only the finest ingredients and that it follows a strict set of rules to keep it’s authenticity.
Your other option is the North American product……

Not that there is anything wrong with this. You can’t compare the two…They are very different…..Like a peach and a cactus.
Now the educational part.
What does a real Neapolitan pizza taste like? To someone used to North American-style pizzas, a little bland in the beginning. But then you start enjoying the freshness and quality of the ingredients and the lightness of the crust—the more you eat it, the better it tastes.The soft, puffy crust is the result of no fat in the dough, a long proofing time and a very quick fire in an extremely hot oven. During proofing, fermentation breaks down the high protein in the Italian “00” flour, this allows you to enjoy the pizza and leaves you not bloated. Don’t call for take-out unless you’ve already experienced this style pizza fresh from our oven. “It wouldn’t be fair to the pizza.”The VPN, Associazione Verace Pizza Napoletana” (“True Neapolitan Pizza Association”) has set out very specific rules that must be followed to create an authentic Neapolitan pizza, including using ‘00’ flour (highly refined Italian flour), San Marzano tomatoes (grown in volcanic soil surrounding Mount Vesuvius, and are less acidic and slightly sweeter than other tomatoes), and Mozzarella di Bufala or Fior-di-Latte (fresh mozzarella made with either buffalo milk or cow milk).The dough must be hand-kneaded by Pizzaiolos’ (pizza makers) and must not be rolled with a pin or prepared by any mechanical means, the pizza must not exceed 35 centimetres in diameter or be more than a third of a centimetre thick at the centre, and it must be baked in a wood-fired, domed oven at 900°F for no more than 60 to 90 seconds.Using only first-rate ingredients—from extremely fine imported Italian “00” flour to San Marzano tomatoes for topping—and time in old-fashioned wood-fired ovens to produce